191 New Things in Pokémon Go. Did you catch ’em all?

191 New Things in Pokémon Go. Did you catch 'em all?

Niantic added 191 new things in Pokémon Go as part of their 2/16/17 update to the popular exer-game. Did you catch ‘me all? To help see if you missed anything, we’ve detailed all 191 here in one handy list. Don’t worry, most of them are in groups, so it won’t take too long to read. 1 – 80. Gen 2 […]

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Hats Off! New Pokémon make Pokémon Go feel like a whole new world!

Hats Off! New Pokemon make Pokemon Go feel like a whole new world!

Yesterday morning I was feeling really bored by Pokémon Go. It’d been so long since I caught any new Pokémon, I was thinking of giving up the hunt. By late afternoon, however, everything changed when Niantic rocked the Pokémon Go world with a megaton update. It feels like a whole new world. The 1.27.2 update for Apple, 0.57.2 for Android, includes oodles […]

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Acquire 2016 – A 3D Plastic Reprint of the Classic Stock Market Game

Acquire 2016 - A 3D Plastic Reprint of the Classic Stock Market Game

I still remember the day my husband came into the house breathless with excitement. He’d found a pristine copy of the highly-rated and valued 1999 Avalon Hill version of Acquire at our local thrift store. He says he got tunnel vision, his heart was beating so hard with excitement when he found it, that all he could do was carry […]

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Robo Rally Reboot – The classic programmed-movement robot-racing game gets an update.

Robo Rally Reboot - The Classic Programmed-Movement Robot-Racing Game Gets an Update!

My first experience with Robo Rally was at a gaming invitational in Raleigh, NC. Lori, a long-time Robo Rally enthusiast and aficionado introduced me to the chaotic, programmed movement game of racing robots to successive numbered flags on a factory floor filled with movement-altering and damage-dealing obstacles that you must successfully navigate if you want to win the race. Whew! Say […]

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