Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition – An Immersive Lovecraftian Adventure

Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition - An Immersive Lovecraftian Adventure

Lately I can’t get enough of Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition. I love how immersive it is. It’s as close to a D & D (Dungeons & Dragons) experience as a board game has ever come – that I’ve played so far. The app takes the place of a game master: describing rooms; items and monsters you encounter; directing the […]

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Lewis & Clark: The Expedition – A Unique Racing Game with Resource Management

Lewis & Clark: The Expedition

Lewis & Clark: The Expedition is a unique racing game utilizing resource management and an interactive mechanic for acquiring those resources. As explorers, players race up the Missouri river, through the Rocky Mountains, and on westward to Fort Clatsop on the Pacific Coast. The first player to set up camp at or beyond Fort Clatsop, wins the game. Of course, […]

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