The Builders: Middle Ages – A Sweet Little Micro Game

The Builders: Middle Ages - A Sweet Little Micro Game

The Builders: Middle Ages is a sweet little micro game in which players vie to be named First Builder of the Kingdom by earning the most victory points by game end. To achieve this, players must combine wise choices of construction sites with recruitment of appropriately skilled workers. As you complete construction of buildings you’ll not only earn renown (victory […]

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Urbania – Like Ticket to Ride, without the Trains

Urbania - Ticket to Ride, without the Trains

Urbania reminds me of Ticket to Ride, even though there are no trains involved. Like Ticket to Ride, players have secret goals to achieve, though in Urbania you can declare a maximum of three Objectives and you’ll have to spend an action to put each Objective into play. Play is similar and simple, too. On your turn you can take […]

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