An Introduction to The Glass Meeple

An Introduction to
The Glass Meeple
In April 2013, I began writing monthly game reviews for Here Be Books & Games‘ monthly newsletter. (I write all the other content for it, too.) I’d written a few game reviews here and there before, but not on a regular basis. The newsletter got me on a schedule of writing one to three each month.
At this point, I’ve accumulated about 40 game reviews. So, I thought I’d start a game review blog to make it easier to publish them and notify folks of their availability. It’ll also make it easier for you to search them: by category, tags – I plan to tag by game name and mechanics at least, maybe even by number of players.
I’ll be revising and reposting my past reviews as well as continue to write new ones on at least a monthly basis. (Gotta put out that newsletter every month!)
You can subscribe, I think – I haven’t tested that feature yet – and get email notifications of new posts. The blog will also post automatically to The Glass Meeple’s Facebook page, as well as, Here Be Books & Games’ Facebook page, Twitter feed, and Google+ page. Whew! That makes for so much less work.
I’m still working on the logo and tweaking the blog set up, but for the most part it’s up and running.
Why “The Glass Meeple”? The Glass Meeple provides clarity and transparency, magnifies, and illuminates board games. Not a bad mission statement.
I hope you’ll find my game reviews helpful and informative – or continue to if you’ve been reading them all along. Hopefully, they’ll at least be easier to access here.
Let me know what you think,